
Shape Expressions are formal – machine readable – descriptions of data shapes/schemas. They provide the means to validate expectations by both data and use-case providers. In 2019 the Wikidata introduced the EntitySchema namespace that allows storing Shape Expressions in and Wikibase extensions. Next to Wikidata, this EntitySchema namespace is also available to local wikibase installs and on cloud installation such as wbstack.com. In this tutorial we will shortly introduce Shape Expressions after which we will guide the audience through the EntitySchema namespace in both Wikidata and Wikibase. We will also introduce Wikishape (https://wikishape.weso.es/) as a Shape Expression platform provided by Weso. After this tutorial the participants will be able to write simple Shape Expressions and maintain that on either Wikidata or a local Wikibase.


Schedule and material

Time (CET)TopicMaterial
9:00-9:30hIntroduction to wikidata and wikibaseSlides (PDF)
9:30-10:00hShEx in Reference Quality and Subsetting for WikidataSlides (PDF)
10:15-11hIntroduction RDF, ShEx and Entity SchemasSlides (PDF)
12:30-12:50hExtracting entity schemas from Wikidata items using sheXerJupyter notebook
12:30-13:00hApplications and future work

To register, visit: SWAT4HCLS web page

The tutorial will start at 09:00h CET time and will end at 13:00h CET time on Monday, 10th January 2022.